Peak Condition


This Project was made to allow viewing and creating a workout program much easier than using a standard way of just using excel or work. This application allows a coach to create a account as well as clients to create a account. It will allow coachs to add and create programs for a particular client.

Technologies used: ReactJS, NodeJS, Express, BootstrapMDB, MongoDB, JWT token authentication

Don't Eat Application


This Project was made to display the location of restuarants that had bad reviews usings the google maps api to show where on a map they are located and the zomato api to show the ratings and find the location of each restuarant. I worked in a team where my role was to find learn how we could implement the google api to show the location of each restuarant from using the coordinates on a map.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, jquery, Api,

Work Day Scheduler


This is small project, that is a day planner, where a user can enter tasks into the input section , click save and your task would be saved into your local storage. There will be colors to indicate the time of day green will represent the future, red will be the present and grey will be the past.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jquery.

Weather Dashboard


This Project was made to display the weather for a searched city using a weather API, which would display the next 5 days of weather. The app will save every search onto the local storage. This is one of my first projects that I had worked on using an API.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jquery, Api,

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